Monday, July 23, 2012

Draw perfect circles and squares in Photoshop

In PHOTOSHOP draw a perfect circle or square to the eye is almost impossible, so there is a method that can perform them without problem.

The method is very simple. Select the drawing tool you want as we want to draw the figure.

If we plot directly the figure can vary the height and length independently.

If we want is that the figure has the same height and length before you start drawing keep down SHIFT or SHIFT and not release you until we have completed the picture.

With this method we can vary the size of the figure but always keep the same height and length.

    In addition this method can be applied to any program drawing tool, such as frames for selection, and so on.

I hope you have been helpful and not forget that if you have any questions, concerns, comments, suggestions, etc. do not hesitate to comment, try to help where we can.

   We apologize for the quality of automatic translation. We appreciate any corrections they deem appropriate readers and try to correct it immediately. 

   * Some details are not accurate due to different versions of the program currently on the market.


-Draw perfect circle in Photoshop

Perfect square-Drawing in Photoshop

-Draw square with sides equal in PHOTOSHOP

Draw square-PHOTOSHOP

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