Thursday, July 26, 2012

Leave a viewport in AutoCAD

 Surely you have ever thought that being in paper space you have AUTOCAD been "trapped" inside a viewport to give too much "zoom" and not being able to double click outside to exit.

     When this happens, the only solution that comes to mind is trying to undo (CTRL + Z) we have been doing in the viewport until we get back just before introduce time into it and therefore, losing all changes in model space.

     Today we'll show you how to get out of a viewport without double clicking outside it or undo the work done.

You only have to do once we have been "trapped" is written in the command bar "ep" (EspacioPapel) and press ENTER. If the version of AutoCAD is in English we use the command would be "ps" (paperspace) and then the ENTER key

Another solution would be a bit more indirect go to the menu bar to the "view", "windows" and choose the option "1" window. After only have to remove zoom with mouse wheel and watch as we are not in the viewport.

I hope you have been helpful and not forget that if you have any questions, concerns, comments, suggestions, etc. do not hesitate to comment, try to help where we can.

   We apologize for the quality of automatic translation. We appreciate any corrections they deem appropriate readers and try to correct it immediately. 

   * Some details are not accurate due to different versions of the program currently on the market.


-Getting out of a viewport in AutoCAD

- Getting out of a viewport in paper space in AutoCAD

- I'm stuck in a paper space viewport AUTOCAD

- Command EP (EspacioPapel) or PS (PaperEspace)


  1. What is a good book that can help beginners learn solidworks on their own?

    Solidworks Training

    1. Hello Intercad.

        Thanks for visiting and commenting. Sorry to say that currently only work in the Spanish version of the blog so that the English version is currently stopped and no information or content resources for the English version. We were forced to stop work on this website because we did not have enough resources or knowledge to work effectively in the English language.

        In the near future this website will be activated again and begin to offer new content and attend to all user queries. We hope you understand. We have visited your website and have to say that we really liked. Hope you have luck and becomes a success.

      Regards and apologizes for any inconvenience.

  2. Thanks for sharing the tips,, its help me out...

    AutoCAD Tutorial
