Monday, July 9, 2012

Show the command bar in AUTOCAD

    One of the most important elements of AUTOCAD is the command bar. This bar is the means used by the program to communicate with us and give us information.
     Sometimes you may inadvertently wind up the AUTOCAD command bar or simply "disappear" without reason or cause.

    Working without this bar can be a hassle so it is advisable to recover soon.

    Today I'll show how to get the command bar reappear in place.
    To do this we have two methods:

- The first is easy. To do this we just need to write using the keyboard command "commandline". And then press ENTER.

     You can give the impression that our command is not being written anywhere, but we should not worry, we simply can not see it because the command bar is hidden. Everything you type will be registered in it but not see it.

- The second method is to press the CTRL and 9. While holding down CTRL key pressed 9, immediately show the command bar to its original place.

With either of these two methods we can recover our command bar and we can continue to work normally without any problems.

     We hope you have been helpful and not forget that if you have any questions, concerns, corrections, comments, suggestions, etc.. do not hesitate to comment, try to help where we can.

    * Some details are not accurate due to different versions of the program currently on the market.


- I was missing the command window.
- I blew the command line of my AUTOCAD
- How to display the command bar in AutoCAD?
- What to do if we bar disappears commands in AutoCAD?


  1. Now we have many apps to use with GPS and maps with Android apps and others, Technology facilitates humans to investigate and learn

    Stevin - Autocad

  2. how to get back the command line near the mouse pointer in autocad...2010

  3. Coooooooooool u saved my life.
