Monday, July 23, 2012

Draw a rectangle or ellipse with no fill in Photoshop

In Photoshop, a task as simple as it seems to draw a rectangle, circle or ellipse with no fill, transparent or gap may end up desperate to anyone unless you know some method to do it.

    Incredibly there is no direct tool that allows to do it. Only we can draw filled shapes.

    We reach the same result by giving more or less bluntly, so we are going to teach one of the simplest ways.

Depending on the type of shape we want to draw select the taskbar "Marquee" if you want a rectangle or square, or "Elliptical Marquee" if we want a circle or an ellipse.

Now draw the shape you want.

  (If we draw a circle or a square you can visit this section of the blog where we explain how to draw perfect circles and squares in Photoshop)

Draw perfect circles and squares in PHOTOSHOP 

And then press the right mouse click anywhere on the window you're working on and choose "Stroke ..." from the popup menu.

The following window will appear where you can choose Outlining the various line options for the figure (color, thickness, position on the frame ...)

When we have chosen the options to your liking click the OK button and we will have our picture with no padding.

I hope you have been helpful and not forget that if you have any questions, concerns, comments, suggestions, etc. do not hesitate to comment, try to help where we can.

   We apologize for the quality of automatic translation. We appreciate any corrections they deem appropriate readers and try to correct it immediately. 

   * Some details are not accurate due to different versions of the program currently on the market.


-Draw a rectangle with no fill in Photoshop

-Draw a circle with no fill in Photoshop

-Draw a square with no fill in Photoshop

-Draw an ellipse with no fill in Photoshop

-Draw a rectangle hole in PHOTOSHOP

-Draw a hollow circle in Photoshop

-Draw a square hole in PHOTOSHOP

-Draw an ellipse hollow PHOTOSHOP

-Drawing a transparent rectangle in Photoshop

-Draw a circle transparent in Photoshop

Draw a square-transparent in Photoshop

-Draw an ellipse transparent in Photoshop

-Draw a rectangle that let them see the merits in PHOTOSHOP

-Draw a circle that let them see the merits in PHOTOSHOP

-Draw a square that let them see the merits in PHOTOSHOP

-Draw an ellipse that let them see the merits in PHOTOSHOP

-Draw figures unfilled PHOTOSHOP

-Draw geometric figures unfilled PHOTOSHOP

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